Team MIJA's Capstone Project

Our capstone project was sponsored by SightLife, the only global health organization working to eliminate corneal blindness worldwide by 2040. The global team at SightLife works on eye banking, surgeon training, policy and prevention and other programs in order to comprehensively address the cornea ecosystem both in the US and around the world.

Process Overview

  • System Building

    Our team worked closely with Sightlife's Clinical Team to design and build new data management system that fit the organization's needs. This included creating a relational database with forms built in Microsoft Acces and visualizations for analytics built in Power BI.

  • Meetings & Documentation

    We met in-person or communicated over Skype on a weekly basis to check-in and ensure our work was meeting the standards and expectations of SightLife. We also created documentation to clarify the use of our systems and provide specifications for our builds.

  • Training

    Once our database and visualizations were built, we provided a comprehensive hands-on training session for both Power BI and Microsoft Access. Our goal was to ease the handover of our information systems and prepare SightLife for deployment.